[Ubuntu-PH] OT: Technical Quick Response Teams (Tech QRTs) on 10 May 2010
Rick Bahague
2010-05-07 07:10:54 UTC
*Friends and Colleagues,*

The elections are just around the corner. We are hoping for every individual
and organization in CPU's network to serve the people by linking up with our
efforts to mobilize *Technical Quick Response Teams (Tech QRTs)*. These
teams aim to rove around different localities in the Philippines to help
poll watchers monitor the expected technical problems and concerns in the
automated elections.

If you and/or your organization is interested to contribute, please
coordinate with the CPU National Office via +632 440 1430 or
secretariat at cp-union.com. We will be having a general volunteers'
orientation this Sunday at the office starting at 9:00am where everyone is
strongly encouraged to attend. You can also coordinate with me through my
mobile at +63928 973 3394.

We hope for your immediate and kind response.

Yours in Service,

*Leon Dulce
*New Media Coordinator
Computer Professionals' Union

*Rick Bahague*
National Coordinator
Computer Professionals' Union
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