Dax Solomon Umaming
2010-02-13 12:32:53 UTC
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Lucid translations are now open
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2010 12:52:39 -0800
From: David Planella <david.planella at ubuntu.com>
To: Ubuntu Translators <ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com>
Hi translators,
I'm pleased to announce that Lucid translations are now open. You can
now go to
and start doing your rocking job to translate your favourite distro as
Some notes:
The template priorities are still not set up as they were in Karmic.
That means that although some of the most important templates are
already at the top of the list, not all of the priorities have been
entered in Launchpad yet.
We'll sort that out in the next few days and set up the priorities for
all templates. If in the meantime you see any particular one you'd like
to be further up (or down) in the list, just let me or anyone from the
Ubuntu Translations Coordinators team [1] know and we can change it
straight away.
At UDS we discussed about having the OO.o translation infrastructure in
shape and being able to translate it in Launchpad. That means using the
translations done in Launchpad and exporting them regularly in the
OpenOffice.org package whenever the other language packs are released.
It is not sure whether we'll have the resources to make this happen, so
for now, we've decided disabling the OpenOffice.org translations in
Launchpad until we are sure this will be possible. Most importantly,
this will avoid giving translators false expectations that OO.o
translations from Launchpad will be used in the distro.
This does only mean that translations will not be exposed in the UI, but
they are still in the database and can be easily exposed again. We did
this some time ago for other releases already, and in order to make it
easier for those teams working only in Launchpad to reuse the
translations and send them upstream, you'll find them here:
Language packs
During the development cycle, language packs for Lucid are generated
twice per week and automatically uploaded to the archive, so that you
can see and test the results of the translations more frequently.
On the time preceding an archive freeze before a milestone the automatic
upload will be temporarily disabled and reenabled after the freeze.
You'll see that there hasn't been a Lucid language pack update since a
few weeks. That's due to the migration of the language packs to another
server, but very soon new ones will be generated.
Due to the migration to Firefox 3.6 and the work involved merging the
templates, translations are still not getting exported in the Lucid
language packs, but we're working on this.
The change you'll notice is that now there is only a 'firefox' template,
making translation a bit easier (before there were e.g. 'fifefox-3.5'
and 'xulrunner-1.9.1' templates).
I think that's all for now, if you've got any questions, feel free to
ask and...
... happy translating!
[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTranslationsCoordinators
David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
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Subject: Lucid translations are now open
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2010 12:52:39 -0800
From: David Planella <david.planella at ubuntu.com>
To: Ubuntu Translators <ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com>
Hi translators,
I'm pleased to announce that Lucid translations are now open. You can
now go to
and start doing your rocking job to translate your favourite distro as
Some notes:
The template priorities are still not set up as they were in Karmic.
That means that although some of the most important templates are
already at the top of the list, not all of the priorities have been
entered in Launchpad yet.
We'll sort that out in the next few days and set up the priorities for
all templates. If in the meantime you see any particular one you'd like
to be further up (or down) in the list, just let me or anyone from the
Ubuntu Translations Coordinators team [1] know and we can change it
straight away.
At UDS we discussed about having the OO.o translation infrastructure in
shape and being able to translate it in Launchpad. That means using the
translations done in Launchpad and exporting them regularly in the
OpenOffice.org package whenever the other language packs are released.
It is not sure whether we'll have the resources to make this happen, so
for now, we've decided disabling the OpenOffice.org translations in
Launchpad until we are sure this will be possible. Most importantly,
this will avoid giving translators false expectations that OO.o
translations from Launchpad will be used in the distro.
This does only mean that translations will not be exposed in the UI, but
they are still in the database and can be easily exposed again. We did
this some time ago for other releases already, and in order to make it
easier for those teams working only in Launchpad to reuse the
translations and send them upstream, you'll find them here:
Language packs
During the development cycle, language packs for Lucid are generated
twice per week and automatically uploaded to the archive, so that you
can see and test the results of the translations more frequently.
On the time preceding an archive freeze before a milestone the automatic
upload will be temporarily disabled and reenabled after the freeze.
You'll see that there hasn't been a Lucid language pack update since a
few weeks. That's due to the migration of the language packs to another
server, but very soon new ones will be generated.
Due to the migration to Firefox 3.6 and the work involved merging the
templates, translations are still not getting exported in the Lucid
language packs, but we're working on this.
The change you'll notice is that now there is only a 'firefox' template,
making translation a bit easier (before there were e.g. 'fifefox-3.5'
and 'xulrunner-1.9.1' templates).
I think that's all for now, if you've got any questions, feel free to
ask and...
... happy translating!
[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTranslationsCoordinators
David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
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