[Ubuntu-PH] Fwd: JOIN DAVAO INNOVATION MONTH December 3 and 4, 2009, SM City Davao
Rj ian Sevilla
2009-11-24 13:12:54 UTC

Hi Fellow Cool Geeks!

This event is for us cool people! Please help disseminate. This is the first
un-gathering of I.T. professionals, students, software engineers,
programmers, I.T. businessmen -- all geeks in Mindanao. Invite all your I.T.
friends! Bring your entire I.T. department team!

Check the attached poster now!

See you all at Davao Innovation Month! Enjoy the free beer and pizza!

RJ Ian S.Sevilla
OpenPGP Keys: 4EEA3424
URL: http://www.rjiansevilla.com | http://www.linkedin.com/in/rjian
Email:rjiansevilla at gmail.com <Email%3Arjiansevilla at gmail.com>
Mobile Number: +63 917 4316214
YM: rjian_sevilla
SKYPE ID: rjian_sevilla

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