Dax Solomon Umaming
2010-01-12 17:25:35 UTC
Hi Jake,
Welcome to the wonderful world of Ubuntu
On Tuesday, 12 January, 2010 10:18 PM, joaquin reyes wrote:
your router/modem provide you with a dynamic ip address? or do you have
to manually set it up? I suggest you check your XP network settings.
Also try reading the networking manual available at the wiki[1]
Ubuntu's USB Startup Disk Creator (System > Administration > USB Startup
Disk Creator) or UNetbootin[2] (I've been using this personally).
There's also a good tutorial available online[3].
A word of caution though, you'll have to manually partition the netbook
so make sure you have the original install and drivers cd (if you want
to dual-boot Windows and Ubuntu) and don't forget to backup your files.
router or do you connect directly via the dsl modem?
[2] http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/
[3] http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/install-linux-with-ease-using-unetbootin/
Welcome to the wonderful world of Ubuntu
On Tuesday, 12 January, 2010 10:18 PM, joaquin reyes wrote:
I reside in Quezon City and recently got hold of a live CD of ver 9.10.
My daughter and i thought of installing ubuntu to our pc but took the
initial option of dual booting it along side windows xp. We took this
option with the intention of just seeing if and how ubuntu will work for
us and if it does we plan to remove xp and install ubuntu as the sole os
for the pc.
We had no problems doing the install. We were able to boot to 9.10 as
well as xp.
Very nice!My daughter and i thought of installing ubuntu to our pc but took the
initial option of dual booting it along side windows xp. We took this
option with the intention of just seeing if and how ubuntu will work for
us and if it does we plan to remove xp and install ubuntu as the sole os
for the pc.
We had no problems doing the install. We were able to boot to 9.10 as
well as xp.
The problem is that we can not connect to the internet. We have a
bayantel dsl subscription. and its running well under xp. We tried doing
some work arounds based on a couple of suggestions found in the net but
we were unable to connect.
Our pc is a P4 running xp pro sp3. DSL is bayantel.
What do we need to do to get our internet working under ubuntu.
I'm not familiar with Bayantel. But have you checked your settings? Doesbayantel dsl subscription. and its running well under xp. We tried doing
some work arounds based on a couple of suggestions found in the net but
we were unable to connect.
Our pc is a P4 running xp pro sp3. DSL is bayantel.
What do we need to do to get our internet working under ubuntu.
your router/modem provide you with a dynamic ip address? or do you have
to manually set it up? I suggest you check your XP network settings.
Also try reading the networking manual available at the wiki[1]
By the way, my daughter had previously been able to run ver9.04 under
VMWare in her netbook and had no problems using it, including the
internet. She expected to have a similarly easy time installing 9.10.
Any suggestions on how we can go about this?
You have to burn the iso (by downloading it) to a usb stick. You can useVMWare in her netbook and had no problems using it, including the
internet. She expected to have a similarly easy time installing 9.10.
Any suggestions on how we can go about this?
Ubuntu's USB Startup Disk Creator (System > Administration > USB Startup
Disk Creator) or UNetbootin[2] (I've been using this personally).
There's also a good tutorial available online[3].
A word of caution though, you'll have to manually partition the netbook
so make sure you have the original install and drivers cd (if you want
to dual-boot Windows and Ubuntu) and don't forget to backup your files.
We also came across a video on doing a dual boot installation of a much
earlier version of ubuntu wherein the guy was able to access the net
using the live cd option of trying out ubuntu without changing anything
in his current system. We then ran the live cd under this option, was
able to run ubuntu but still no internet connection.
Right, I suspect a configuration issue. BTW, are you connecting via aearlier version of ubuntu wherein the guy was able to access the net
using the live cd option of trying out ubuntu without changing anything
in his current system. We then ran the live cd under this option, was
able to run ubuntu but still no internet connection.
router or do you connect directly via the dsl modem?
Jake Reyes
[1] https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/networking-enable.htmlJake Reyes
[2] http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/
[3] http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/install-linux-with-ease-using-unetbootin/
Dax Solomon Umaming
Dax Solomon Umaming