[Ubuntu-PH] Ubuntu Inquiry
Dax Solomon Umaming
2010-01-12 17:25:35 UTC
Hi Jake,

Welcome to the wonderful world of Ubuntu

On Tuesday, 12 January, 2010 10:18 PM, joaquin reyes wrote:

I reside in Quezon City and recently got hold of a live CD of ver 9.10.
My daughter and i thought of installing ubuntu to our pc but took the
initial option of dual booting it along side windows xp. We took this
option with the intention of just seeing if and how ubuntu will work for
us and if it does we plan to remove xp and install ubuntu as the sole os
for the pc.
We had no problems doing the install. We were able to boot to 9.10 as
well as xp.
Very nice!
The problem is that we can not connect to the internet. We have a
bayantel dsl subscription. and its running well under xp. We tried doing
some work arounds based on a couple of suggestions found in the net but
we were unable to connect.
Our pc is a P4 running xp pro sp3. DSL is bayantel.
What do we need to do to get our internet working under ubuntu.
I'm not familiar with Bayantel. But have you checked your settings? Does
your router/modem provide you with a dynamic ip address? or do you have
to manually set it up? I suggest you check your XP network settings.
Also try reading the networking manual available at the wiki[1]
By the way, my daughter had previously been able to run ver9.04 under
VMWare in her netbook and had no problems using it, including the
internet. She expected to have a similarly easy time installing 9.10.
Any suggestions on how we can go about this?
You have to burn the iso (by downloading it) to a usb stick. You can use
Ubuntu's USB Startup Disk Creator (System > Administration > USB Startup
Disk Creator) or UNetbootin[2] (I've been using this personally).
There's also a good tutorial available online[3].

A word of caution though, you'll have to manually partition the netbook
so make sure you have the original install and drivers cd (if you want
to dual-boot Windows and Ubuntu) and don't forget to backup your files.
We also came across a video on doing a dual boot installation of a much
earlier version of ubuntu wherein the guy was able to access the net
using the live cd option of trying out ubuntu without changing anything
in his current system. We then ran the live cd under this option, was
able to run ubuntu but still no internet connection.
Right, I suspect a configuration issue. BTW, are you connecting via a
router or do you connect directly via the dsl modem?
Jake Reyes
[1] https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/networking-enable.html
[2] http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/
[3] http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/install-linux-with-ease-using-unetbootin/
Dax Solomon Umaming
J. R.
2010-01-13 00:50:10 UTC
my sister's pc was connected to bayan dsl through pppoeconf

in terminal
sudo pppoeconf

JR Galia

----- Original Message ----
From: Dax Solomon Umaming <knightlust at ubuntu.com>
To: joaquin reyes <jake_reyes_2004 at yahoo.com>
Cc: Mailing List para sa Ubuntu Pilipinas (Philippines) <ubuntu-ph at lists.ubuntu.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 1:25:35
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-PH] Ubuntu Inquiry

Hi Jake,

Welcome to the wonderful world of Ubuntu

On Tuesday, 12 January, 2010 10:18 PM, joaquin reyes wrote:

I reside in Quezon City and recently got hold of a live CD of ver 9.10.
My daughter and i thought of installing ubuntu to our pc but took the
initial option of dual booting it along side windows xp. We took this
option with the intention of just seeing if and how ubuntu will work for
us and if it does we plan to remove xp and install ubuntu as the sole os
for the pc.
We had no problems doing the install. We were able to boot to 9.10 as
well as xp.
Very nice!
The problem is that we can not connect to the internet. We have a
bayantel dsl subscription. and its running well under xp. We tried doing
some work arounds based on a couple of suggestions found in the net but
we were unable to connect.
Our pc is a P4 running xp pro sp3. DSL is bayantel.
What do we need to do to get our internet working under ubuntu.
I'm not familiar with Bayantel. But have you checked your settings? Does
your router/modem provide you with a dynamic ip address? or do you have
to manually set it up? I suggest you check your XP network settings.
Also try reading the networking manual available at the wiki[1]
By the way, my daughter had previously been able to run ver9.04 under
VMWare in her netbook and had no problems using it, including the
internet. She expected to have a similarly easy time installing 9.10.
Any suggestions on how we can go about this?
You have to burn the iso (by downloading it) to a usb stick. You can use
Ubuntu's USB Startup Disk Creator (System > Administration > USB Startup
Disk Creator) or UNetbootin[2] (I've been using this personally).
There's also a good tutorial available online[3].

A word of caution though, you'll have to manually partition the netbook
so make sure you have the original install and drivers cd (if you want
to dual-boot Windows and Ubuntu) and don't forget to backup your files.
We also came across a video on doing a dual boot installation of a much
earlier version of ubuntu wherein the guy was able to access the net
using the live cd option of trying out ubuntu without changing anything
in his current system. We then ran the live cd under this option, was
able to run ubuntu but still no internet connection.
Right, I suspect a configuration issue. BTW, are you connecting via a
router or do you connect directly via the dsl modem?
Jake Reyes
[1] https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/networking-enable.html
[2] http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/
[3] http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/install-linux-with-ease-using-unetbootin/
Dax Solomon Umaming
ubuntu-ph mailing list
ubuntu-ph at lists.ubuntu.com
Dax Solomon Umaming
2010-01-13 03:17:10 UTC
Post by J. R.
my sister's pc was connected to bayan dsl through pppoeconf
in terminal
sudo pppoeconf
If that's the case, then there should be an option in Network Manager on
the DSL tab to input your username and password.
Dax Solomon Umaming
J. R.
2010-01-14 05:39:24 UTC
pppoeconf will ask for username and password for first time used.


JR Galia

----- Original Message ----
From: Dax Solomon Umaming <knightlust at ubuntu.com>
To: ubuntu-ph at lists.ubuntu.com
Cc: joaquin reyes <jake_reyes_2004 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 11:17:10
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-PH] Ubuntu Inquiry
Post by J. R.
my sister's pc was connected to bayan dsl through pppoeconf
in terminal
sudo pppoeconf
If that's the case, then there should be an option in Network Manager on
the DSL tab to input your username and password.
Dax Solomon Umaming
ubuntu-ph mailing list
ubuntu-ph at lists.ubuntu.com

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JC John Sese Cuneta
2010-01-14 06:11:25 UTC

I do not know if this will be of help:

Have some friends having problems using Karmic if their OS is the one
that must dial-up and not the modem itself. They say that there are no
options whatsoever to do it unlike pre-Karmic. Then there are other
users around the world reporting the same thing.

I can not test it myself because my modem does the dialing. It has
something to do with PPP or something. And as the article linked above
said, one must connect to the Internet to download what they need (PPP
or something) but how can they connect if they can not even dial? :p

Anyway, they won't be upgrading anytime soon. Only solution is for them
to "learn" how to get what they need from a public terminal and "learn"
how to install it once they get back to their own machine.


JC John Sese Cuneta / ???
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myStream Priest: the Messenger of the gods
Post by J. R.
pppoeconf will ask for username and password for first time used.
JR Galia
----- Original Message ----
From: Dax Solomon Umaming<knightlust at ubuntu.com>
To: ubuntu-ph at lists.ubuntu.com
Cc: joaquin reyes<jake_reyes_2004 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 11:17:10
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-PH] Ubuntu Inquiry
Post by J. R.
my sister's pc was connected to bayan dsl through pppoeconf
in terminal
sudo pppoeconf
If that's the case, then there should be an option in Network Manager on
the DSL tab to input your username and password.
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Dax Solomon Umaming
2010-01-27 02:30:55 UTC
Thanks for the immediate reply.
Oh no, your emails ended up in my spam folder. I blame my filters and
rules for this very late reply.
We will try
out your suggestions. By the way we connect directly through the
adsl modem.
Right, I have no experience with Bayantel, but I've had experience
connecting via PPPoE.
My daughter has notice that the net forums seem to
have a good number of posts with problems of connecting to the net
on ver 9.10. Iba ibang styles of working out the problem have been
proposed but it seems that no definite resolution has been arrived
at. Thats why she's considering using ver 9.04 as our option for the
dual boot.
I've had problems with 9.10 as well, but not in the networking department.
Can we use the steps you outlined above by just running the 9.1 live
cd instead of reinstalling? We intend to run the cd using the try
out without changing your system option. If that possible and we are
able to connect to the net, thats when we intend to reinstall ubuntu.
That's exactly what LiveCDs are intended for. You should be able to test
your networking capability even with just a LiveCD.
This isnt my inquiry but i assume you copied me in since pareho
problema namin nung nagpost.
Actually, I forwarded your query to the list[1], and that's one of the
replies[2][3][4] I got. Try using pppoeconf as advised by JR Galia[2][3].
On our first try at installation, we were able to create the
bayantel connection through the network manager dsl tab. Na input
namin and name at password at muikhang nacreate yung bayatel
account. It just that when we press the account walang nangyayari.
I am unsure of this. Have you tried tweaking your Authentication
Methods? Try selecting either PAP or CHAP - this worked with AT&T back
when I was in the US (although I forgot what method I used, but I'm sure
it's one of them).
We tried to edit the created account but we could not. Insuficient
permissions to edit ang message na lumabas.
Isang login user lang ang nacreate namin nung una and it seems hindi
sya administrator account (in windows terms). May way bang maging
administrator with out going through the terminal whenever
administrator status is needed?
The term is correct on Ubuntu since first/main users are always part of
the admin group with sudo privileges. For other distros, they prefer the
term superuser or root.

Getting back to the topic, if it did ask for a username and/or password,
just leave it blank. But this would only work on a LiveCD session[5].

I'll forward your other email to the list as well.

[1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ph/2010-January/001935.html
[2] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ph/2010-January/001936.html
[3] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ph/2010-January/001938.html
[4] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ph/2010-January/001939.html
[5] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD
Dax Solomon Umaming
Dax Solomon Umaming
2010-01-27 02:37:14 UTC
good day again
A. I followed the steps stated in the help page on networking enable you
Right clicked network mgr, ticked enable networking
left clicked same icon vound the ff options- Wired network (naklagay
below it disconnected); auto eth0 ; and VPN something
Could not click n the wired network option
Went to next step since network was not enable automatically
left clicked icon but there was no tab for manual configuration
Went to using the ifup on terminal pero napahinto ako kasi nakalagay sa
step ay eth1 pero ang nakita previously ay eth0.
B. I had previusly copied some modules from the same help site so i
- Internet basic procedures steps
nakalagay sa procedure go to system- admin-network
pero walang network na tab meron doon tab networking tools
clicked on it pero walang connections tab as was stated in the
napahinto ulit ako
- Connecting with a modem help page
since walang network tab as called for in the procedure punta ulit
ako sa networking
tools. Wala naman akong nakitang unlock or connections. Could not
proceed as per
this help page
- ADSL help page, PPPoe subpage
Dito yung steps to use the pppoe config option
The process detected an ethernet card which it called eth0
followed the steps. Pretty automatic naman though i noticed that
the steps in the help
page were in a different order than was actually asked to be done.
Nung natapos wala pa rin connection
typed plog on the terminal and got a string of messages which
connect pppo eth0
PAP authentication failed
connection terminated
modem hang up
Sorry for the long narrative.
By the way according to windows our ethernet is a VIA RhineII Fast
Ethernet adapter
the modem is a ZTE ADSL type.
May solution pa kaya?
Pahabol lang. I dont know if this is a factor but the 9.10 cd we got was
one that if from Caonical. Its the desktop edition. It looks very orginal,
I can't seem to visualize the steps above so let's wait for the
community to answer your questions.

I can answer this last question though - No, it doesn't matter where the
LiveCD came from, as long as it was burned/pressed from the official
ISO. The only time it'll become a factor is when it won't boot up.
Thanks again
Jake Reyes
Dax Solomon Umaming
Allan E. Registos
2010-01-27 03:28:55 UTC
By the way according to windows our ethernet is a VIA RhineII Fast
Ethernet adapter
the modem is a ZTE ADSL type.
May solution pa kaya?
I missed the original mail.
Does the ISP provided you with username, password and IP address/DNS servers?
If it is DHCP, then Ubuntu will connect to the internet once the ethernet cable is connected from your ZTE ADSL to your VIA RhineII Adapter(If this card is Linux-supported), so I suspect that you do have a custom details provided by your ISP.

Another option would be to setup a router - any router then setup the connection details(provided by your ISP) to your router, setup a DHCP connection and connect your Ubuntu to that router. Then you should be connected to the internet immediately. The difficulty of configuring a router for an internet connection and then DHCP for local addresses varies from router to router but most often it is more difficult than configuring Ubuntu directly for internet connection. We do have an Edimax router with username/password/public IP/dns server-configured to connect to a ZTE ADSL provided by PLDT.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dax Solomon Umaming" <knightlust at ubuntu.com>
To: ubuntu-ph at lists.ubuntu.com
Cc: "joaquin reyes" <jake_reyes_2004 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 10:37:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-PH] Ubuntu Inquiry
good day again
A. I followed the steps stated in the help page on networking enable you
Right clicked network mgr, ticked enable networking
left clicked same icon vound the ff options- Wired network (naklagay
below it disconnected); auto eth0 ; and VPN something
Could not click n the wired network option
Went to next step since network was not enable automatically
left clicked icon but there was no tab for manual configuration
Went to using the ifup on terminal pero napahinto ako kasi nakalagay sa
step ay eth1 pero ang nakita previously ay eth0.
B. I had previusly copied some modules from the same help site so i
- Internet basic procedures steps
nakalagay sa procedure go to system- admin-network
pero walang network na tab meron doon tab networking tools
clicked on it pero walang connections tab as was stated in the
napahinto ulit ako
- Connecting with a modem help page
since walang network tab as called for in the procedure punta ulit
ako sa networking
tools. Wala naman akong nakitang unlock or connections. Could not
proceed as per
this help page
- ADSL help page, PPPoe subpage
Dito yung steps to use the pppoe config option
The process detected an ethernet card which it called eth0
followed the steps. Pretty automatic naman though i noticed that
the steps in the help
page were in a different order than was actually asked to be done.
Nung natapos wala pa rin connection
typed plog on the terminal and got a string of messages which
connect pppo eth0
PAP authentication failed
connection terminated
modem hang up
Sorry for the long narrative.
By the way according to windows our ethernet is a VIA RhineII Fast
Ethernet adapter
the modem is a ZTE ADSL type.
May solution pa kaya?
Pahabol lang. I dont know if this is a factor but the 9.10 cd we got was
one that if from Caonical. Its the desktop edition. It looks very orginal,
I can't seem to visualize the steps above so let's wait for the
community to answer your questions.

I can answer this last question though - No, it doesn't matter where the
LiveCD came from, as long as it was burned/pressed from the official
ISO. The only time it'll become a factor is when it won't boot up.
Thanks again
Jake Reyes
Dax Solomon Umaming
ubuntu-ph mailing list
ubuntu-ph at lists.ubuntu.com
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