Dax Solomon Umaming
2009-12-04 05:27:34 UTC
I just want to announce that this mailing list is now on Gmane[1][2].
The archive import is still ongoing, so it might take a few more days
before we see our old posts. Please see the FAQ[3] if you have questions.
[1] http://gmane.org/
[2] http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user.philippines
[3] http://gmane.org/faq.php
The archive import is still ongoing, so it might take a few more days
before we see our old posts. Please see the FAQ[3] if you have questions.
[1] http://gmane.org/
[2] http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ubuntu.user.philippines
[3] http://gmane.org/faq.php
Dax Solomon Umaming
Dax Solomon Umaming