[Ubuntu-PH] Proposal to submit Mailing List to Newsgroup
Dax Solomon Umaming
2009-11-12 22:17:08 UTC

I was wondering if anyone's interested in accessing the list via a
newsgroup client? If so, I'd like to propose that we submit this to Gmane.

1) We'll be able to access the list via a Newsgroup client (Thunderbird,
Knode, Pan, etc) OR Gmanes' web interface.

2) We can turn off mail delivery to our account from the list, thus
making our inbox more manageable.

3) New list users wouldn't have to refer to Mailman's web archive since
previous posts will be instantly available to your preferred client -
thus faster access as compared to clicking on individual links.

1) Past posts from the date the submission was approved will _not_ be

2) Low-traffic list such as ours will only truly be useful after a year
or so.

3) Most Filipinos I know prefers web interface (read: Gmail/Yahoo) thus
making this move, er... trivial.

I appreciate any comments or suggestion. Thanks :)
Dax Solomon Umaming
Zak B. Elep
2009-11-13 05:16:44 UTC
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 6:17 AM, Dax Solomon Umaming
Post by Dax Solomon Umaming
I was wondering if anyone's interested in accessing the list via a
newsgroup client? If so, I'd like to propose that we submit this to Gmane.
Shouldn't be too hard to get the ML on gmane. It is nice to have,
especially if it gets replicated to a true Usenet gateway like Eternal
Zak B. Elep || zakame.net
1486 7957 454D E529 E4F1 F75E 5787 B1FD FA53 851D
JC John Sese Cuneta
2009-11-13 06:20:08 UTC
Post by Zak B. Elep
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 6:17 AM, Dax Solomon Umaming
Post by Dax Solomon Umaming
I was wondering if anyone's interested in accessing the list via a
newsgroup client? If so, I'd like to propose that we submit this to Gmane.
Shouldn't be too hard to get the ML on gmane. It is nice to have,
especially if it gets replicated to a true Usenet gateway like Eternal

I don't mind. ^_^ Go for it!
JC John Sese Cuneta / ???
Site: http://laibcoms.asia
Blogs: http://laibcoms.asia/blog | http://gameshogun.ws |

[ Secure OS: Ubuntu Linux http://www.ubuntu.com ]
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Jerome Gotangco
2009-11-13 06:23:49 UTC
Post by Zak B. Elep
On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 6:17 AM, Dax Solomon Umaming
Post by Dax Solomon Umaming
I was wondering if anyone's interested in accessing the list via a
newsgroup client? If so, I'd like to propose that we submit this to Gmane.
Shouldn't be too hard to get the ML on gmane. ?It is nice to have,
especially if it gets replicated to a true Usenet gateway like Eternal
I agree its just a straightforward request to have gmane subscribe to
this list and gmane takes care of the rest after a few days. I've
already done this with


Jerome G.
